The Catalyst for Our Future Evolution

One of the most significant advances that distinguishes human beings from the many previous conscious beings on earth, is the development of facility for higher consciousness.  This facility is enabled by the increasing structural complexity and functionality of the human brain.  This tremendous and powerful advance has allowed human beings to have a much greater awareness of the reality that we exist within.  Now, we can better understand the larger picture and have a deeper understanding of the powers and forces that shape existence.  An additional benefit to this advance is that we can more carefully analyze issues and situations that are critical for our survival.  For over 70 years we have lived under the threat of possible nuclear annihilation.  It is a real sense of the threat that this technology poses that has given us pause before unleashing a nuclear holocaust on the planet.  There truly is hope for humanity because, with our clear awareness and higher consciousness, we are better able to realize the destructive forces that we have created as well as their ramifications if used.

I believe it is through the power of our compassion and empathy (manifestations of loving consciousness) that we may move together in common humanity to save ourselves from the potential destructive forces that lie within our more primitive nature.  This greater awareness, (made possible by the ability to view life through love,) is what will allow us to frame a more realistic view of reality thereby making it easier for us to make constructive decisions that will not only support our continuing survival, but that will enhance our common experience of life.  We can use our love framed consciousness to shape a better world in which we all may have the best opportunity to express ourselves uniquely and to create more meaningful worthwhile lives.  We can use our love framed consciousness to guide our thinking and decisions about how we all may live on this Earth in harmony, and in a stable and sustainable way.  For our love framed consciousness, is what allows us to see that we all are one on this planet and that we must continuously consider all of humanity in the critical decisions that we make that affect our common experience of life on earth.  From this state of consciousness we will be able to create solutions to the complex, challenging problems that we face today and that we will continue to face in the future.  We will through this consciousness be able to understand and act to correct the forces that are unnaturally warming the planet.  We will through this consciousness be able to understand and act to control population growth so that the weight of humanity on earth does not overtax the resources we have available to us.  We will through this consciousness be able to understand and act to be able to feed all of the people on this planet.  We will through this consciousness, continue to be able to understand and act to cure many of the terrible diseases and illnesses that still afflict humankind, and thereby also be able to create and sustain the conditions that maintain optimal health for all.  We will through this consciousness be finally able to transcend and overcome the horrific legacy of our primitive nature in the past that has been responsible for the many unspeakable tragedies that have afflicted humankind.  We will through this consciousness be able to realize our true potential as human beings, to be the best possible expression of the power of divine love coming through us.  We will through this consciousness evolve into more powerfully loving beings that will be able to create heaven on this Earth and then be able to spread that throughout the universe. We will not achieve this through a God that is somehow removed from and external to us, but through the reality of the God, the great divine power, that exists within us all.  That power is the one and true fundamental existential essence, that power is Divine Love.  This Love that is our true nature and identity, that is our greatest power, will be the most important catalyst for our present and future evolution.


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