My Brother My Sister

My Brother (My Sister)

My brother is my brother
though distant and quite rare
her skin a different color
his creed yield different prayer

For underneath the surface
in every human frame
we’re virtually identical
all in all, the same

Our differences add richness
variety and spice
varied customs and cultures
do our interest more entice

This all presents, such challenge
in our efforts to get along
but the basics we share deeply
let us know we all belong

To our family of humans
young, old, rich, poor, short, tall
we billions bound together
on this Earth we share with all

How we will all end up here.
depends essentially
on living all together
with love, respect, and free

No one is the enemy
save ignorance and fear
and arm in arm together
we’ll defeat these through the years

Because my brother is my brother
in the greatest family
the race we all belong to
our own: Humanity


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