Beautiful Impersonal Essence

Beautiful Impersonal Essence

The impersonal love of the source is the most pure and beautiful expression of love. It is sheer miraculous joy and wonder. It has no judgment, measure, preference, calculation, or comparison. It simply and purely radiates its ecstatic sublime power in and out through everything in creation. The beauty of this love reflected in nature is the evidence of its presence and reality. It empowers and bathes creation in constant adoration and infinite fondness.

The surface appearance of reality is an illusion, it is a mirage. For the heart of reality is the impersonal Love. The purity and nobility of this love creates all possibility. Creation is set free to become what it could be. Any evil or negativity, darkness or gloom is but a temporary apparition. It vaporizes into nothingness through the perpetual power of evolution and change. Such is the beauty of love divine.

No anguish is forever, no sorrow perpetual, for all is washed clean through the continual evolution and expression of love divine.

Though forms come and go, beings arise and depart-seemingly we have lost love, but it is an illusion. For love still lives and breathes in its perpetual emergence through life. The one you love seems gone, but no, they still live through all who love you. They live through those who love. Look for them in the peaceful dawn, and the magic of the deep forest, in the gentleness of a summer breeze, and the warm smile of a child, in the embrace of a true friend and in your own compassion, empathy, warmth, and spirit. Whatever seems lost is truly still in your heart. Whatever we may seem to lose in life, we are never separated from love divine.

Deep in your heart, love is calling to you.” Let me arise, let me come forth.” I will bring you a love you cannot imagine. I will bring joy, and peace, and comfort, and purpose. Your life is sacred and precious - that I may emerge and live through you as never before and as never again. Allow me to arise through you, that a new expression of love may have life, may become life. I am the true light, you are the light I am, for we are one. You are precious as a fleeting form, a miraculous, sudden, spark and flame of love alive - showering life with your unique radiance - to be who and what you are. You are part of all that is possible. You are here to exist for your brief time. Allow me, the true you, to arise, to live. Now is your time. Now is your life. Now you are precious, unique love living!

We have been as asleep. Blinded by the primitive legacy of early existence. Obscured by innocent ignorance and ignorant innocence. Distorted by excessive stimulation or brutal pain. Clouded by worry, fear, doubt, fooled by superficiality and human judgment.

All the while, divine love has had its expression through us, that we may shine as what we truly are.

We regained consciousness, we awakened through realization that all that has blinded us or has put us to sleep has been illusion, misperceptions or legacies of our past primitive nature.

We awakened as we realize the cost of our illusions, our judgments, superficial obsessions, prejudices, intolerance, and misperceptions.

As the pain of our own darkness becomes unbearable-we awakened to the true light of reality - love divine and perpetual.

No matter the darkness on the surface of life, it is surely illuminated and dissolved by the love at life’s core.

Nevertheless, the darkness is an illusion, for the reality of life is deep and true, infinite and eternal what is real is the light, what is true is love.


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