Simple Revelation

Reality is the radiance of infinite and eternal divine Love. On the surface of divine manifestation is the life and world we daily perceive and interact with. All of the problems of human existence are found on this surface. If we only see the surface as reality, which is easy to do because of the limits of our human nature and perception, we are able to see evil, injustice, tragedy, and darkness as persistent and agonizing realities. From this view, it is easy to ask the question of why a loving God permits terrible things to happen to good people and innocent children. The problem with the question is that it does not view the creator clearly, and thus easily creates a misunderstanding of divine will.

Divine Love is the source of all things, reality is truly it's perpetual radiance. It continually creates and transforms - but without an intentional hand in what is happening. What helps to visualize this further is the great cliche from the 1960's: "If you love someone, set them free..." This is what we see in looking deeply at life and reality. We see life set free to create itself, forming matter and structuring forces and processes as it goes. This may seem unbelievable - but this even more strongly suggests the miraculous nature of the divine source. God is not needed as an intentional cosmic architect, designing and orchestrating all that is, but rather is closer to what was seen as the first cause, or fundamental all pervasive consciousness. Reality is the constant radiance of it's source - infinite, perpetual, eternal, beyond all limits of time and space. This is much closer to the reality of divine nature than the all-too-human image we have had for thousands of years which seemed to reflect human weakness much more than divine reality. Why God is relevant, is that God is source. If source goes away - everything goes away.

But source is not going away, it perpetually is. The evidence of this truth is everywhere, we just have to adjust our view to see it. We may seem to lose a bit of our old comfort and security provided by the idea of a personal, comforting, all controlling God - this is another type of childhood fantasy. What we see in reality is a more mature vision of the divine - pure in source and nature, impersonal - but connected and relevant everywhere in existence, across the immeasurable expanse of infinite time and space.  Where is God where tragedy strikes? Where is "his" merciful hand when the innocent are tortured and slain, or die in their childhood from cancer?

God is in our heart. God may arise from within us, from our depths - and emerge as compassion, empathy, comfort, tolerance, forgiveness, mercy. If we open our mind and our heart, we provide a passageway for the divine source to truly be present right now. The fact of tragedy and injustice represents the reality of an existence, a life, that has been set free to be whatever it will. In a realm of unlimited possibility, there may be joy, beauty, wonder, love, compassion, and there also may be evil, destruction, tragedy, and suffering. All is possible when all is possible. But, we may turn to our source and allow this source to arise from within us to respond to any darkness that is created. By this, we choose God through our free will, this brave and noble choice, and allow it to emerge into reality.  We become the instruments through which divine Love works its power to comfort and to heal. This is where God is when evil strikes. And whether we think so or not, whether we believe or not, God is always present...


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