The Eternal Source
At the core of reality, at the heart of existence, is the source. What it truly is, we cannot really grasp. But we can imagine it in a way that is both inspiring and useful. The source is bare consciousness - without form - without substance, it is ultimate reality. It is vibrant and radiant beyond imagining and so powerful that it truly creates something out of nothing. Imagine an energy source so intense and alive that it literally manifests itself into form. This is what has happened. The Source has manifest itself into the innumerable dimensions, and then from these it has reshaped itself into the fundamental structures of energy and matter. Because of its constant radiance and power, it continues to manifest and evolve form endlessly. It is the perpetual fountain of creation.
The word that comes to mind to best reflect the nature and quality of this source is Love. But a notion of Love that transcends our usual understanding of the word. This is a Love without form or substance, it is impersonal and radiates without conscious intention. It is the ultimate expression of nobility and purity. It's expression of Love has no conditions, no requirements, no stipulation, no desire, it is pure and simple radiance. We might also think of it as a continuous, ecstatic joy of unimaginable power that transforms itself into infinite radiant expression. It's sheer beauty and vibrancy compels manifest creation. It pours forth in all dimensions and form and substance rise from it like the brilliant glowing sparks of beautiful fireworks. All form and substance arise from free interaction within the expanding radiance to create the physical forces and elements. The free evolution of existence proceeds as it will, without external intention or direction - constantly creating, transforming, receding, reemerging - it creates countless dimensions, countless universes, countless finite, fleeting forms and on and on through all eternity.
This Love is beholden to no one or nothing, it does not consciously cause anything, or choose anything, or select anything, or consciously direct or interfere with anything - it just radiates and creates and evolves and continues forever. It is perpetually pure and perpetually free and is the greatest wonder of all and is what is most fundamentally real and "alive." It is what we refer to as God, but none of our words or thoughts or perceptions or imaginings can ever truly define or capture what it is. It simply is, forever now, what is.
What good is any of this to us then? What are we to do seemingly without a personal God who cares for and watches over us? If we wake up spiritually, grow and evolve our consciousness, we begin to see that this God is much closer and present than we realize - it lives at the core of what we are - it is our very deep substance, birthright, nature. It is alive in us and through us and we are but temporary wondrous expressions of it. We are the Love of God expressed. If we can awaken to this, realize this, take this awakening deep into our mind and heart, then we have all that we need every moment. We can properly see and be aware of what is truly real. We can accept and be grateful for reality as it is. We can try and adjust our minds and our actions to come into alignment with our Source, and try to emulate the Source in all we think, do, and say. We can bring human reality to the pure divine potential within us - loving as fully and unconditionally as we can. We can embrace fully what we are, human and divinity, and find peace and satisfaction as just being what we are. We can through mindfulness of our source - love and accept ourselves, others, and life itself and have a clearer grasp of what is truly valuable and have a better sense of reverence and respect for what is truly important in life.Maintaining this awareness allows us to better cultivate and express love, kindness, compassion, gratitude, generosity, tolerance, appreciation, creativity, inner beauty and much more. We also become able to accept that we can only do this imperfectly, as we are always subject in ways to the limitations and effects of our human nature. But we can strive toward the ideal that lives within us and through this expression create beauty and meaning in our lives, and perhaps find our true purpose or potential through our expression of the source within us. This is the greatest human promise and potential and is the constant opportunity that is present for us each and every moment. The Eternal Source is within us, it is our great reality
The word that comes to mind to best reflect the nature and quality of this source is Love. But a notion of Love that transcends our usual understanding of the word. This is a Love without form or substance, it is impersonal and radiates without conscious intention. It is the ultimate expression of nobility and purity. It's expression of Love has no conditions, no requirements, no stipulation, no desire, it is pure and simple radiance. We might also think of it as a continuous, ecstatic joy of unimaginable power that transforms itself into infinite radiant expression. It's sheer beauty and vibrancy compels manifest creation. It pours forth in all dimensions and form and substance rise from it like the brilliant glowing sparks of beautiful fireworks. All form and substance arise from free interaction within the expanding radiance to create the physical forces and elements. The free evolution of existence proceeds as it will, without external intention or direction - constantly creating, transforming, receding, reemerging - it creates countless dimensions, countless universes, countless finite, fleeting forms and on and on through all eternity.
This Love is beholden to no one or nothing, it does not consciously cause anything, or choose anything, or select anything, or consciously direct or interfere with anything - it just radiates and creates and evolves and continues forever. It is perpetually pure and perpetually free and is the greatest wonder of all and is what is most fundamentally real and "alive." It is what we refer to as God, but none of our words or thoughts or perceptions or imaginings can ever truly define or capture what it is. It simply is, forever now, what is.
What good is any of this to us then? What are we to do seemingly without a personal God who cares for and watches over us? If we wake up spiritually, grow and evolve our consciousness, we begin to see that this God is much closer and present than we realize - it lives at the core of what we are - it is our very deep substance, birthright, nature. It is alive in us and through us and we are but temporary wondrous expressions of it. We are the Love of God expressed. If we can awaken to this, realize this, take this awakening deep into our mind and heart, then we have all that we need every moment. We can properly see and be aware of what is truly real. We can accept and be grateful for reality as it is. We can try and adjust our minds and our actions to come into alignment with our Source, and try to emulate the Source in all we think, do, and say. We can bring human reality to the pure divine potential within us - loving as fully and unconditionally as we can. We can embrace fully what we are, human and divinity, and find peace and satisfaction as just being what we are. We can through mindfulness of our source - love and accept ourselves, others, and life itself and have a clearer grasp of what is truly valuable and have a better sense of reverence and respect for what is truly important in life.Maintaining this awareness allows us to better cultivate and express love, kindness, compassion, gratitude, generosity, tolerance, appreciation, creativity, inner beauty and much more. We also become able to accept that we can only do this imperfectly, as we are always subject in ways to the limitations and effects of our human nature. But we can strive toward the ideal that lives within us and through this expression create beauty and meaning in our lives, and perhaps find our true purpose or potential through our expression of the source within us. This is the greatest human promise and potential and is the constant opportunity that is present for us each and every moment. The Eternal Source is within us, it is our great reality
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