Psalms of Love
The darkness in the universe is a lack of light, the darkness in humanity is a lack of love.
The heart of reality is love, the heart of God is love, the heart of all things love.
In the end the only thing that matters is love.
If you search for your true self, what you will find is love.
The result of denying and withholding love is suffering, the result of accepting and expressing it is joy.
If you really want true love, love yourself, then you will attract and create love all around you.
The only way you can truly fail in this life is to give up, and then you have failed yourself.
But if you embrace yourself and fully express your spirit, you will have achieved the greatest success in life.
No sorrow is complete, no pain endures forever, no tragedy remains unending, for the eternal fountain of Divine Love keeps creating, changing, transforming. and overcomes these all.
The cure for addiction is to find, embrace, and express the love in your own heart. There will never be enough of what you are addicted to, but there is no end to the love within you, the love that you are.
Seeing all things through eyes of Love gives you divine sight, the only true vision.
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