The Challenge to Love
The key to practice Higher Love (Cosmic, Divine, Fundamental Love) in human life, is to be able to maintain an adequate awareness of the inestimable worth of one's self and others in the face of all we know, all that happens, all that others say and do, all we think, and all we experience. We have many triggers of primal feelings and reactions in our day to day lives ,that activate areas of our brains, or systems within our brains, i.e. "Fight or Flight," that put us on a different orientation of awareness than "Love thy neighbor as thyself." The common events of life make it very difficult for us to practice higher Love. That is why it is very difficult to become a spiritual master, to be able to see the divine in each person and ourselves, to not take offenses personally, to not make and maintain strong negative personal judgments in response to very bad behaviors. We have natural responses and conditioning that create difficult challenges for our spiritual aspirations and realizations.
But if you really want to be happy and relatively free from continual distress and dissatisfaction in this life, you must succeed in adequately maintaining a loving, empathic outlook. It is very stressful to maintain a continuing attitude of resentment, mistrust, bitterness, intolerance, and impatience. You can create a state of heaven in your mind, heart, and experience by cultivating and maintaining a loving, accepting outlook, or you can create a state of hell in the same by developing a negative, judgmental, fear-filled outlook.
The question is what do you want? As much as you may protest and believe yourself to have no choice about how you see things, you do in fact have a choice. If you can truly be open to see how much it costs you to keep a limited, negative, judgemental view of yourself, others, and life versus an open, positive, loving view of the same, the best choice will become clear to you. As hard as it is to achieve and maintain, Love is the answer. Our choices do shape the quality of our lives. Higher Love is both a challenge and choice. But in the end, it means more than anything else. In the end, it is the only choice that matters...
But if you really want to be happy and relatively free from continual distress and dissatisfaction in this life, you must succeed in adequately maintaining a loving, empathic outlook. It is very stressful to maintain a continuing attitude of resentment, mistrust, bitterness, intolerance, and impatience. You can create a state of heaven in your mind, heart, and experience by cultivating and maintaining a loving, accepting outlook, or you can create a state of hell in the same by developing a negative, judgmental, fear-filled outlook.
The question is what do you want? As much as you may protest and believe yourself to have no choice about how you see things, you do in fact have a choice. If you can truly be open to see how much it costs you to keep a limited, negative, judgemental view of yourself, others, and life versus an open, positive, loving view of the same, the best choice will become clear to you. As hard as it is to achieve and maintain, Love is the answer. Our choices do shape the quality of our lives. Higher Love is both a challenge and choice. But in the end, it means more than anything else. In the end, it is the only choice that matters...
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