Blessed Beacon

Blessed Beacon

The way forward for humanity is through love. This is achieved by maintaining awareness of the priceless value of each other and every being, and life itself. Then, thinking and acting in accord with that awareness. If we value each other rightly, then we can act to consistently honor that value. With this many things become possible: 1. The end of nation sponsored war and armed conflict. 2. Cooperative effort to keep everyone fed and healthy. 3. Cooperative effort to live in balance with our planet's ecosystem. 4. Cooperative effort to control population to avoid overburdening our planet's resources. 5. Cooperative effort to raise the worldwide standard of living, so that all who choose to can have the possibility of a happy, productive, and meaningful life here on earth. A better life here on earth is possible for most everyone. Love expressed by each and every soul, to the best of their ability, is how this will come about. This is not just about how God saves the planet, for God is love. But, also how we save the planet through love as well. This, most possible change and movement, is achieved by each and every individual person-working on themselves to become a more loving and caring human being. One person at a time, we can move towards a better life here on a world that works for everyone.


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