Good Thoughts

Good Thoughts

My true identity is the love in my heart

this is the substance of my soul

and my connection to the divine

for the divine is Love

For God so loved creation

that she created it out of herself

to forever be the expression of her essence

manifesting and unfolding freely

into the endless variety of life and existence

The Messiah has come

the Messiah is

not as a glowing human form coming on a cloud

but always as Love within the heart

God has always been

the Love within

never external, in any way

for there is nothing outside of God

Love is our hope

love is our salvation

for it allows us to transcend

the innocent limits of our human nature

the self-centered obsessions:

fear, ignorance, greed, hatred

these are of limited awareness

that does not see the whole

that does not understand that at heart

we are all one

There is evil

it is human created

from these natural limits:

fear, ignorance, greed, hatred

the antidote for evil is love

Love dissolves fear

Love enlightens

Love fills any lack

Love sees the heart,and the innocence

of limited awareness

when Love is chosen

evil disappears...

Heaven and Hell are not places

they are states of consciousness

Heaven is created and sustained by Loving thought and action

Hell is created by blocking awareness of Love

through fear, ignorance, greed, hatred

and then acting from these limits

to create suffering, which is their natural result

if you would truly seek heaven, seek Love

if you want to avoid Hell, choose Love...

If we are caught in fear, ignorance, greed, and hatred

we are in need of salvation

because we have unwittingly chosen

a path of suffering, destruction, oblivion

In the moment we find and choose Love

we are saved

In the moment we find and choose Love

we find God and our true selves

There is no death

only Love's forms rising and subsiding

forever in the perpetual now

what is, is beyond our understanding

there is more than time

and more than space

Love is eternal

it cannot die

it is as an eternal flame

an eternal radiance

whose brilliance compels existence

If you want to be enlightened

learn to love truly

cultivate the vision/awareness of the priceless heart and essence

of all things

see this in everyone and everything

come back to this vision

in every moment

think to honor the value of life

speak to honor the value of life

act to honor the value of life

as you do this, you love

and enlightenment is yours

and God you have found

What is my purpose?

It is to be truly myself

from the Love within my heart

What is the meaning of my life?

It is from the Love I choose to express

moment by moment

day by day

for the fleeting time

I am this form

What is God?

Love, of a reality

that has no limit

that has no end

It is truly beyond words

and beyond understanding

Love, in our grandest dream and notion

is the closest sense we have

of God's nature

what the mind cannot fathom

the heart sees clearly

this is how we know...

Now is the time

for us all to come together

from our common bond

of Love

Our world is ailing

our societies are lost

we fight over superficial differences

as our suffering grows

while our problems expand

let us accept each other

in our common humanity

let us relax our tight hold

on our views and beliefs

to see what is

and from our deep wisdom

and Love-formed clarity

find the answers...


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